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Quick Setup

Log into your Outplanr account

You can login anytime into your Outplanr account by following your own link, that should be along:

But you if don't remember your company address, here's the login page that will direct to it:

Fill in your email address, and you will be redirected to your account (if you only have one) or will be able to get all your accounts' links by email (if you have more than one account with the same email address).

When you signup for Outplanr, your are first greeted by the Welcome to Outplanr notification.

This welcome screen gives you a first glance overview of how to start using your account and the very basics of setting up Outplanr. You can follow the tips to create your first Project, Task or add your Team in.

To close the blinking points just click on the top-right close button in the Welcome notification and they're gone.