You can edit time on a task with recorded time in the Task edit panel.

To edit a paused task, select it from the Work or Project task list, and the task edit panel will show the task log:


Each action "Started", "Paused" and "Continued" can have its time stamp edited. You'll be editing the time when that action started, (at 9AM) not the task duration recorded. The duration will be automatically calculated for you, when you change each time stamp.


When you complete the task, you can edit its total time (not its timestamp): 


Editing the total time will not affect any individual recordings between each Play and Pause actions.

If you edited the Total Time, and want to undo it, you can use "Reset" to replace this edited total time with its real recorded time.

NOTE: Be very careful when editing each time stamp, because it can affect how your task is shown in the Plan view.